MBSSKL Graphic Design Competition 2009
5:45 PM
Dragexius ☺
, Posted in
Graphic Design
Green Awareness Technology
Yet another day...
Well, today was a schooling for my school and also there was this "GRAPHIC DESIGN COMPETITION" organized by my school's IT Brigade...
The main topic of this competition is all about
Green Awareness Technology
and the theme on the other hand is
iGo Green
and the theme on the other hand is
iGo Green
Well done, IT BRIGADIERS. They have indeed organized it well especially ROBERT CHIA..
So, the worse part of it is there were only 3 other school competing in this competition
Well, simply because 2 others schools which were SBU & SBS had been quarantined. There was about 7 other teams which were from my school
Your works deserve the prize. My guess is right when I walked through and saw the designs of other teams.
Hope next time IT Brigade can organise these kind of competitions again~
If possible, join again during your Form 5 and beat the other schools^^
Hey gratz~~~T.T
Thanks for de comments!