Could I Make It Through

8.35 and you may start

I took out my pilot G2 0.5 (blue ink) and started writting down. Wait a minute. Which one should I choose?
Well, maybe the poem. I don' think I would be able to recall back the poem if I do it for the last. Yeah, question (a) was easy. Now question (b). HOLY CRAP!!! I can't recall back a single thing from the poem.
It was no other than "The Quarrel Between Day and Night"
Question (c) was on "Crabbed Age and You Cannot Live Together"

Yes it was Literature in English exam. Time was a very important factor. I could not even think too much. Yes, I set 35 minutes for each section as told by her. Guess what it really works.
I could feel my thumb numb and sore. It was not a nice experience.
Writting a lot was one thing and the other thing is writting a lot in a short period time. It really hurts. I was like exerting the force and could feel the unbearable pain.

I was happy because when I finish it, I actually had 5 minutes of rest before passing it up.

Until Den

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