Moore's Law

Recently I've visited Intel's Site.
I've came across one interesting subject

It is the
Moore's Law


Newton's Law
too bad

Gordon Moore, intel co-founder
states that the number of transistors
on a chip will double about every two years
Cool rite.
Imagine next 10 years. Haizz, can't imagine

Gordon Moore's Original Graph From 1965

You can find this article on Intel Site...

Until Den

Teacher's Day in MBSSKL 2009

Today, I woke up with my eyes almost half-open.
I had no choice but to wake up early & go to skul due to some thing.

When I reach at skul, guess what, I see the prefects doing the stage. It was bout 6am, no other students were there. They were really doing their works.

Lets talk about teachers day instead.

So, PA system or sound system as we could say sucks to the max. The musics were damn dull just because of low quality PA system. Oni one performance was gud.

Teh Jun Bin & Leong Kai jie
My spelling may be wrong

Their sketch was the best. Congrats.

Overall boring, sit until pain. Imagine, the misery of sitting there & got nothing to do but to wait for the time to fly by.

Now, holiday at last. Still thinking what to do?

Until Den

Exam is OVER

Finally, I dun need to read books everyday forcing the brains to store as much things as I could.
That is suffering

Chemistry was a superb hard paper. Well paper3 was kinda like ok but paper1, superb hard till brains can crack.
Come on, it is objective but who expects extremely hard questions.

Btw, 2mrw or I would say 2day as I'm blogging after 12am, it is
Oni for our skul
Must be kinda like boring every year.

Prefects ask us to shut our mouths up & sit. Who do they think they are? We came here to celebrate for our teachers, and u ask us shut up.
We could have just not attended it but we still attend. So, I get this feeling of hatred on teachers day just bcoz of prefects. LOL.

Not saying any bad things bout prefects. Just that, I dun like this idea.
I understand that they are doing their duties.
But, they must oso know how boring we feel & how much we like to share with frens bout feeling or stories in life.

I dun giv a damn anymore.
I'm goin to skul 2day
I still love the skul

Until Den

Completed Blog

Lolz, finally completed this blog.

What I've Done
1) Add in Google Analytics
2) Add in Nuffnang Ads
3) Change a bit of bug on my slider
4) Change some spelling typo thanks to Sit Khai Hoong
5) Completed bloggers list
(those MBSians who want me to add them in their blog can send me their link or tell me)
6) Add labels for few posts

What I've Not Done
1) Completely add label for all post
2) Change Twitter Updates with something else
3) Find interesting things to post

I guess nothing much

Until Den

New Blog Design

Whoa, a whooping change in my blog

Well, felt the previous blog a bit lame&dull
So made a new change in it

This blog template is cool as it has a lot of features. Thanks to for their magnificent design and elements in it.

Haven't add few things such as Google Analytic s. The blogger list I still haven't complete.
Haizz, some more Adrian's tag still not yet do. Moreover physics exam.

Until Den

Funny Essay

Received an email from someone
Claim to be Karangan 'Terbaik' UPSR 2007
Dun ask if real a not.
Extremely funny!!!

Karangan Terbaik UPSR 2007
Karangan budak darjah 4

Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhu beku. Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu.

Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang.

Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit "Adoi!". Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri. Feri itu terbelah dua.

Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting
Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu.

Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit "Adoi..!" dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak say menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.

Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.

So how, funny or not?

Until Den

At Last! Sejarah misery Over

So, lets just say

just mid-term 2009 oni

Lets hav a bit of review. Whoa, the essay did suck a bit and was also a bit okay!!!
Okay in sense it is a bit easy
Hard in sense 4 choice given, choose 3.
Lets option huh!

I read sejarah whole night & exam time forget some
Why? Why? Why?
Sistem Kabilah, wat kesan?
But how come it took me 1 hour 2 remember

So rating 5 out of 10
However paper1 freaking easy though some wrong!

2mrw KOMSAS oni!!!!
Oni need to read PHYSICS & Chemistry

Until Den

Sejarah Exam 2mrw

Workloads has been increasing day by day

Now, I hav to read sejarah for 2mrw exam
Lolz, comin out chapter1-4
But oni read until chapter3
Somemore never memorise all
Dunno what I'm goin to do 2mrw

Until Den

Hard and Stressful

Whoa, just done my bio paper3 n literature in english examination 2day.

One think is for sure, EL really get me stressed up. I had to forced myself to write at about

There was not enough time

But I knew I had to write my answers extremely long especially when Mrs. Ramani mentioned "ur answers should not be too short" and the punishment given to our class previously was to submit a summary and opinion on an article each weeeek!!!

So, chasing time was dat hard. I finished answering and heard de teachers said "masa sudah tamat"
Dat means I dun hav time to check it. My hands were numb...

Indeed it was
"hell on earth"

To Adrian, I will answer ur tag soon...

The pictures for Ponggal&CBD i couldn't upload it as I hav no time & my broadband, haizzz, too slooow!!!!

Until Den

DIM announcement

To all members&recruits of KLN6ACD division or aka MBSSKL St.John, pls attend a meeting which will be held on 2mrw, Sat 02-05-2009.

Pls bring along ur pj attire just in case.

Until Den

The DraGeXiuS BlogBlogger